Luh Ade and her elder sister Luh Gedeh
The two little sweet gorls in the house of my friend and guide I Made Putrawan..
It shows the joy of both of them presenting themselves for this photo and then looking at the result.
Their next wish was
Satu foto lagi, lalu satu lagi, tolong!
(One more photo, and then one more, please)
Andreas Boeckh 07/05/2022 8:59
They are defenitely not shy with the camera. Two radiant beauties.Andreas
Brigitte H... 03/05/2022 18:46
Was für aparte Schönheiten..Herbert Rulf 03/05/2022 1:03
Sehr hübsche Mädchen, mit Sicherheit Balis nex Topmodels !Ich hoffe du richtest ihnen das aus :-)))
LG nach Bali
Ralf Melchert 02/05/2022 23:09