854 1

Daniel Secrieru

Free Account, Frankfurt am Main

M 57

Telescope: RCOS 10" F/9
Camera: SBIG ST-10

L: 10 x 15m
R: 15 x 15m
G: 14 x 15m
B: 09 x 15m

Total: about 12 hours. I'm not very happy with the result, for the time invested. :(

Commenti 1

  • Bernhard F. 16/09/2009 17:18

    hey daniel,
    nevertheless, this is already a nice foto., however, I know what you mean. that long belichtung ;-))
    it is already very big and small galaxie is hardly to be seen for it...
    what does this lie with?
    the picture that m101 points, is there around better lengthen. however, colour and guiding are perfect again.
    vg bernhard