989 2

Horst Wittenberg

Premium (Basic), Brühl 50321

Maddie runs

Maddie lief vor mir weg. Kamera konnte Objekt nicht richtig erfassen, darum unscharf. Mit EBV Verwischeffekt zugefügt.
Ich find's trotzdem schön.

Commenti 2

  • Horst Wittenberg 27/10/2006 17:43

    No, it was not a trick.. Maddie doesn’t like having her photo taken very much because she is a little bit shy. When we were visiting the railway museum in York, I tried to get a photo of her but she always ran away. So.. I followed her at the double and finally I got a picture - this one!
  • Walther und Moritz Ka 16/10/2006 1:36

    Schwupps--- alles Neon. Super Bild und Bewegung.