man Foto % Immagini| europe, asian turkey, turkey Foto su fotocommunity
man Foto & Immagine di Nazilla F ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
this picture means that you have an excellent and original look : I feel you have in the blood, this sensitivity of the fotoreporter. It's how I "read" your firts pictures. best wishes for all nazanin. Christian.
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Christian Bertero 22/11/2008 16:30
this picture means that you have an excellent and original look : I feel you have in the blood, this sensitivity of the fotoreporter. It's how I "read" your firts pictures. best wishes for all nazanin. Christian.Mehran Cheraghchi Bazar 22/10/2008 20:15
Hi Dear Nazanin:I cant understand ur photo.
regards: Mehran
Hadi Entesari 30/09/2008 9:29
salam nazaningoftam ke mozoe akset chiye va kojast?
va chera kadreto kaj gerefti?
Hadi Entesari 28/09/2008 12:50
Hi nazanin forwhere do you photo
why is bandy cadre
thank you
hadi from tabriz