Mascletà II
from 1st up to 19th March every day at the 14 hours o'clock we have in the Town Hall Square, the Mascletà, a sort of pyrotechnic exhibition, whose main characteristic is the strong intensity of its detonations. Without doubt, it is one of the most important events of the Fallas Festival.
PINDORIUS 20/03/2008 10:41
i avui es el gran dia ... sortUli Brennemann 19/03/2008 19:36
Com es nota que avui teniu festa.... a les 03.26h i encara estaves al PC :):):)La foto super !
Sobre tot també pel balcó amb aquesta persona petita solitaria mirant l`espectacle.
Salutacions i bona Pasqua.
Comy 19/03/2008 13:21
bravo...!Alexandra Baltog 19/03/2008 12:12
I like the picture ..Cees Kuijs 19/03/2008 9:25
Well captured, not an easy job with so much smoke !!Greetings, Cees
Valfoto 19/03/2008 8:56
Que bien situado estabasFeli´z día Josep
Dragomir Vukovic 19/03/2008 4:36
excellent cut