meet me at the road house cafe
after midnight...
Were gonna cause talk and suspicion;
Were gonna give an exhibition.
Were gonna find out what it is all about.
After midnight, were gonna let it all hang down.
(Lyrics von JJCale)
Polar Noire 19/04/2010 10:27
Volltreffer. Das Foto, wie auch der Musikvorschlag. Gruß, MAndre K. 04/04/2010 1:32
geiles foto... der blick, die tonung und die körung sieht phantastisch aus!!!!vg
E.V.E 24/01/2010 23:08
Mega cool.Hat ne echt sexy Stimmung.Bye Eva
Prastine 02/11/2009 20:46
Gar nicht schlecht und der Sepiaton wirkt gutiwant2c 01/11/2009 16:41
stark!Thom Wirtz 01/11/2009 14:50
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