Meine beiden Süßen II
There is no comfort in faith, the heavens still will fall.
A thousand towers rise before me and I cannot climb them all.
There is no kind of joy in this, there is no time that it can heal,
When emptiness enshadows bliss, there is nothing left to feel.
I have not abandoned hope, though I know there's nothing more.
Tired and alone, you forget what you hoped for.
[Bruderschaft - Forever]
Meine beiden Süßen
Frank Schelter
Cindl G 17/03/2007 12:14
Ach wie süß...LG Cindl
Ars moriendi 18/01/2007 11:50
Aha.Ohne mich zu fragen!!!
Jetzt weiß ich ja was du gestern Abend noch gemacht hast;-)
Finds schön! Schade, das das Vögelchen nicht immer so ist.
Kuß, Sandra