Montevideo Moments - on the Waterfront
fishermen .... so high up on the wall around the old city .... difficult to see, I know :-))) I took this more for these impressive old structures and view across the ocean.
Montevideo Moments - on the Waterfront
fishermen .... so high up on the wall around the old city .... difficult to see, I know :-))) I took this more for these impressive old structures and view across the ocean.
Charly Charity 29/05/2017 9:03
Wunderbare Eindrücke einer wundervollen Stadt!lg Dagmar
sitagita 26/05/2017 17:43
Here I like the colours very much. The redish and yellowish wall is a fine contrast to the greyish blue sea.Kind regards,
dominati simone 25/05/2017 18:40
Une jolie vue , mais du pêcheur on ne voit guère que la canne ! Très jolies couleurs .Monique POLETTO 24/05/2017 14:20
Excellent ce jeu de couleurs sur les pierresun cliché sobre et très serein
norma ateca 24/05/2017 5:04
Excellent liebe Adele !!!!LG NormaClaudio Micheli 23/05/2017 22:09
Conny11 23/05/2017 21:52
Klasse... eine sehr schöne Aufnahme..LG von Conny
Mauro Tomassetti 23/05/2017 21:06
Beautiful picture Adele!Hugs Mauro
SINA 23/05/2017 17:51
I LIKE IT VERY muchFine COLOURS und ein sehr gutes MOTIV
claudine capello 23/05/2017 15:47
bella inquadratura ma li siamo su l oceano e le mura devono essere imponenti ! complimenti spettacolare composizione clrocco di ciommo 23/05/2017 15:19
bastioni imponenticiao
Angelika El. 23/05/2017 13:12
Hier beeindrucken mich vor allem diese warmen Farben der Steine an dem Mauerteil im Bild rechts! Das Licht lässt diese Farben so herrliche leuchten und sie sind phantastisch und sehr harmonisch!!! Hab den "kleinen" Angeler entdeckt... - sehr schön, dieser Blick!!! LG! a.Vitória Castelo Santos 23/05/2017 12:52
Very interesting and nice picture AdeleGreetings
Christian Villain 23/05/2017 11:17
J'admire cette mise en page sobre qui laisse aller notre regard vers l'infini .Grand BRAVO .
Amitiés .
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 23/05/2017 11:08
I can see the fisherman, rather its fishing rod :-) Very beautiful colours of the wall and the water - Hugs, Elvi