Montevideo Moments - Onions, Potatoes, Oranges - Order Complete..
street scenes, old and new architecture .... my memories from a much too short day in Montevideo, capital of Uruguay .... this dealer here must have worn his shirt in anticipation of the colours of his merchandise :-))
alexander stefanatos 21/05/2017 19:32
An excellent shot revealing a daily scene quite common in all parts of the world!...enjoy a lovely week
chantal Montmasson in Ghiroldi 19/05/2017 16:18
Bellissimi colori ! Ciaoforgotten Angel 17/05/2017 22:51
*** GREAT ***Many Greetings from Thomas
pfallera 14/05/2017 23:31
pretty coloursManu T. 14/05/2017 18:29
Eine schöne natürliche Strassenszene in bester Klarheit. Naturfreundliche Verpackungen, zumindest auf dem Wagen, das finde ich gut. :-)Gr.manu
sitagita 13/05/2017 23:51
Lovely image right from the daily life. That he matched the colour of his shirt with his merchandise is a nice joke!Kind regards,
Elvina Benoist-Audiau 13/05/2017 14:12
Lovely capture of this street capture !!! Hugs, ElviMarkus 4 13/05/2017 11:36
also alles da, um eine abwechslungsreiche Mahlzeit zu kreierenHabedieehre
aline64 13/05/2017 6:24
Bien vu une cure de vitamines Avec camion chargé d'orangesAmicalement
mohane 12/05/2017 21:02
market mood in pink ambiance!Claudio Micheli 12/05/2017 19:40
Bellissima realizzazione.Ciao!
Harald. Brede 12/05/2017 17:27
Ein herrlich bunte Szene hinter den Kulissen des Marktes,sieht einfach klasse aus.
Best regards and a nice weekend
gageou Jean- claude gage 12/05/2017 17:04
Belle scène de vie! Belle image! JClaudeSINA 12/05/2017 12:00
Klasseeine tolle Athmosphähre
gute Szene
schöne kraftvolle Farben
Mag ich sehr liebe Adele
dominati simone 12/05/2017 11:52
Un moment de vie : le travail est souvent difficile et pénible , partout . Bon shoot Adèle !Amitiés