Mr. Big Foto % Immagini| animals, cats, pets & farm animals Foto su fotocommunity
Mr. Big Foto & Immagine di Barbara Bamberger ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
cool expression, you can just tell he's the boss and he doesn't mind anyone else. Technically good, good composition and exposure. Mein Coon, is he?..
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Pelpola 31/08/2012 17:55
This is the best cat portrait in your collection. good Job.regards from
Golfing Kangaroos
PelpolaJaime Crystal Attenborough 25/09/2006 15:02
wouldnt it be nice to be a cat? i mean all they do is lay in the sun, relax ,sleep and eat, beautiful image he is a cutiejaime :)
Barbara Bamberger 29/08/2006 19:00
Yes, he's a Maine Coon tomcat.Thanks for your comment!
Tor-Henrik Furmyr 29/08/2006 18:29
cool expression, you can just tell he's the boss and he doesn't mind anyone else. Technically good, good composition and exposure. Mein Coon, is he?..totto