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muetterchen russland

muetterchen russland

908 6


Premium (World), Berlin K, germoney

muetterchen russland

9. mai 2015
tag des sieges! tag der befreiung!
gedenkstaette treptower park

wir verdanken unsere freiheit 27.000.000 opfern russlands, der ukraine, weissrusslands & aller anderen damaligen sowjetrepubliken


Do you think that the Russians want war?
These are the parents of children who died in the last one
Do you think that it's possible, knowing their past
That they'd ever consider repeating the last
When 20 million were slaughtered by Nazi invasion?
They died fighting on our side, you know,
In a fight to defend humankind
Against Nazi terror and hatred

In the name of humanity, bitterly torn
In the name of our children as yet to be born
Before we do that which can never be undone I beg of you
Think, think again, and again and again and again and again

Do you think that the Russians want war?
They're the sons and the daughters of parents who died in the last one
Do you think that they'd want to go through that again
The destruction, the bloodshed, the suffering and pain?
In the second world war out of every three dead one was Russian
If we try with all of our power
Can we not find a way
To peacefully settle our difference?

In the name of humanity, bitterly torn
In the name of our children as yet to be born
Before we do that which can never be undone I beg of you
Think, think again, and again and again and again and again

Do you think that the Russians want war?
Will the voice of insanity lead you to total destruction?
Will you stumble to death as though you were blind?
Will you cause the destruction of all humankind?
Will you die because you don't like their political system?
There will be no survivors you know
No one left to scream in the night
And condemn our stupidity

In the name of humanity, bitterly torn
In the name of our children as yet to be born
Before we do that which can never be undone I beg of you
Think, think again, and again and again and again and again



Commenti 6

  • Antje A. 08/06/2015 5:32

    ... das ist schon ok Heiko : eine frage die auf jeden fall eine antwort verdiente ! ...
  • Redpicture 07/06/2015 21:46

    nein , es ist nicht vergessen.

    und heute lernen wir, der imperialismus ist noch nicht besiegt.

    lg reiner
  • Fotohippie64 07/06/2015 21:12

    @utico, @antje: es ist doch sch...egal, ob man an einem bestimmten tag einer sache gedenkt, viel wichtiger ist dass man es immer in sich traegt & versucht, es auch zu leben!
    thnx vor comments
  • Antje A. 07/06/2015 12:14

    @utico, ... ja,zu meiner schande : ich hab’s vergessen und das , obwohl schon allein meine ganz persönliche historie ein vergessen verbietet ...und ja ,ich hab’s hier zugegeben – ganz sicher nicht ,weil ich diesen tag vergessen WOLLTE ! ...
  • Antje A. 06/06/2015 23:59

    ... unfassbar die zahl der opfer ! ... es stimmt,man vergisst manchmal und wenn doch die rede 'drauf kommt,dann heisst es oft und ohne nachzudenken : lasst das doch endlich ruhen ,ist doch so lange her ! ... Think, think again, and again and again and again and again - man muss erinnern ,ja ...


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Fotocamera Canon EOS 70D
Obiettivo ---
Diaframma 10
Tempo di esposizione 1/160
Distanza focale 17.0 mm
ISO 200