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*"*"*My Sales Secrets*"*"*

*"*"*My Sales Secrets*"*"*

1.400 3

Chris Eleven

Free Account, Köln

*"*"*My Sales Secrets*"*"*

I've been biding my time, been so subtly kind,
I've got to think so selfishly, 'cos you're the face inside of me...


Foto: Oliver Rudolph (http://www.http://www.wix.com/Teotek/fotodesign-oliver-rudolph)
Makeup & Style: Elena Bolvina (http://www.elenabolvina.com/)

Vielen lieben Dank!

'*'*CaRry mY lOvE'*'*'
'*'*CaRry mY lOvE'*'*'
Chris Eleven

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