At once I wish to warn fans of magic program Photoshop, that here its minimum only usual a post processing....
So in this work it was required to me:
1. A leaf of paper A-3, Ink, brushes and a gauze (for a portrayal so-called Background, with all available effects)
2. Old even very old tools, on one of keys even it is possible prohonour " MADE IN USSR ", the wire, an automobile candle on which keeps all design...
3. House studio...
Well and all;)
Alexander Yoc 16/09/2009 5:49
excellent art, I like :)Maria Rex 31/05/2007 15:37
Great!!cheers, Maria
Kenny Jazz 15/05/2007 12:01
Pozdravliaju s pobedoj v stol` neprostoj bor`be. Ochen` neobychnoje vremia izobrazheno v Vashej rabote.Now it is Your time to give us now more new and interesting jobs!