nap time
swan finds a comfortable position on the iced covered marsh lake
from the archive, spring 2008
nap time
swan finds a comfortable position on the iced covered marsh lake
from the archive, spring 2008
B.Schalke 14/01/2025 22:40
Very niceVG Biggi
JOKIST 14/01/2025 22:01
Das ist echt großes Kino.Ingrid und Hans
Marina Luise 14/01/2025 15:33
Welch eine Pose und welch ein Gleichgewichtssinn! :))ann mari cris aschieri 14/01/2025 9:35
What a funny position to rest... :) un stratagème contre le froid, se peut-il ?CIAo my young friend from icelands, buona giornata!
Mira Culix 13/01/2025 17:18
beautifulKLacky 13/01/2025 15:34
Very nice picture!Vitória Castelo Santos 13/01/2025 15:17