NB03-29a Foto % Immagini| portrait, women, people Foto su fotocommunity
NB03-29a Foto & Immagine di Sergio Pessolano ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
You portraits (all of them) are quite exceptional, you seem to manage to let the character traits of the people talk. That is a gift and a talent, congratulations,here with this one I find the following i.e. that you managed to "catch it" quite remarkable - I have noticed time and time again here in africa that initially at a first meeting a curtain seems to cloud the eyes, as trust develops this opens up only to close swiftly at the slightest insecurity, people who do not know this phenomena regard it as "out of focus" but it is not, it is the protective covering and you managed to record it , great! cathy
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† cathy Blatt 08/02/2014 14:50
You portraits (all of them) are quite exceptional, you seem to manage to let the character traits of the people talk. That is a gift and a talent, congratulations,here with this one I find the following i.e. that you managed to "catch it" quite remarkable - I have noticed time and time again here in africa that initially at a first meeting a curtain seems to cloud the eyes, as trust develops this opens up only to close swiftly at the slightest insecurity, people who do not know this phenomena regard it as "out of focus" but it is not, it is the protective covering and you managed to record it , great! cathyDel-Hor 30/03/2013 1:01
Just love your photographic style.Excelent work
Armin Leitner 04/03/2013 0:23
Una belleza,you don't disserve a star for this photo, rather a whole
Saluti cordiali, Armin
Diana Rybakova 13/02/2013 18:56
amazing colorsAllan Thompson 23/06/2011 6:56
Excellent portrait,the model is a natural!!!Fotografie Andreas Ewert 30/05/2011 22:09
I very much like yuor portraits! Is is a pic of nature and wildlife I feel in his eyes! Ciao AndreasMichael Grotkamp 30/03/2011 11:17
strong expressive.excellent portrait study.
bw, michael
mike snead 28/03/2011 17:29
Lejla Trle 26/03/2011 18:49
great shot....the contrast of this 2 color are perfect for me.... best wishesGuglielmo Rispoli 25/03/2011 21:57
che bel ritratto !!!!!!!!!!!occhi che ti seguono... dentro
bravo Sergio
Bernd Jöhnk 25/03/2011 11:36
Klasse und man merkt das du die Menschen dort nicht nur als Photo-Motiv siehst.Gruß Bernd
Enrico Doria 24/03/2011 16:34
excellent! -)JOKIST 23/03/2011 21:10
Unser großes KOMPLIMENT !LG Ingrid und Hans
Tullio Corradini 23/03/2011 21:05
Ritratto stupendo!!!!!+++++++++++Complimenti Sergio!!
Francesco Torrisi 23/03/2011 13:50
...as usual...perfect!!!