1.371 8

Wayne Tsipouras

Premium (World), N.S.W.

New Guards...

... for the Presidential Palace in Athens.
In National Dress, Only the best are selected for this honour, although guard duty is.............
Well, the expressions say it all :-)

Commenti 8

  • Andreas Tiemann 11/01/2009 17:29

    ich dachte männer in röcken gibt es nur in schottland :-)
    schön eingefangen...

  • Maria Mylona 16/06/2008 21:14

    Nice shot Wayne! Though i believe the uniform is the least of their problems everyday. I think the biggest is that they can not move at all while they are on their duty and second is all the tourists that make it even more difficult when they go and tease them.

  • Angela T. B. 19/05/2008 21:52

    Hallo, Wayne,
    sehr begeistert sehen die Drei ja nicht aus. ;-) Schön festgehalten.
    lg ab
  • DRAGA PUC 18/05/2008 22:29

    excellent shot!!
  • KasiaDesign 17/05/2008 21:22

    You're right, they're expressions say it all. It looks like a pretty warm uniform for a hot city day in Athens;-((
  • Anatoly Kraynikov 17/05/2008 5:44

    It's good when an army wears uniform which makes any military action impossible. ;-) Let it be peace at least in Greece.
  • † Monika Jennrich 16/05/2008 21:09

    Hallo Wayne.
    auch mir gefällt das Foto sehr gut!
    Lieben Gruß Monika.
  • KSTUDI 15/05/2008 22:01

    Eine sehr schöne Aufnahme, Wayne. Ein toller Moment in TOP Qualität festgehalten. Klasse gemacht !!!
    LG von Kersten