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New Order, Arvikafestivalen 2005 #1

New Order, Arvikafestivalen 2005 #1

781 6

Mattias Nordgren

Free Account, Malmö

New Order, Arvikafestivalen 2005 #1

Phil Cunningham at Arvikafestivalen, Sweden, 2005-07-15

f2.8, 1/125s, ISO 500 on a Nikon D70 with a Nikkor 80-200mm/f2.8 at 80mm

Commenti 6

  • Christian Razel 04/08/2005 14:27

    I mean the pose is quite clear, even without the missing parts. What makes this pic fantastic is the light and the cool face, looking a little bit like an statue.
    Love it!
    lg, Christian
  • Mattias Nordgren 19/07/2005 22:18

    Thanks for your comments, the fact that the head of the guitar is missing is of course unfortunate. The pic is presented as shot, I didn't feel it gained from cropping more than the limitations of space and the 80mm already had done.
    It's in moments like this one that you wish you had a second house with a nice wide-angle zoom ;)
  • U. Bechstein - Photography 19/07/2005 19:32

    Bis auf den Gitarrenkopf ist es wirklich ein schönes Bild...

  • D. V. 19/07/2005 19:10

    Tja, am fehlenden gitarrenkopf kann man nix machen, wenn man am Limit is und ned zurück kann....
  • scornography 19/07/2005 18:48

    das ist aber auch das einzige manko. der rest ist spitze
  • Sandro Griesbach 19/07/2005 18:18

    an sich ein schönes bild, mit einer wunderbaren lichtstimmung und einer schönen pose, aber der gitarrenkopf fehlt leider :-(

    lg sandro