Newcastle upon Tyne #2 Central Arcade
Beautifully tiled Central Arcade with its glass roof and flower-decked balconies. On the floors 2 and 3 are apartments.
Newcastle upon Tyne #2 Central Arcade
Beautifully tiled Central Arcade with its glass roof and flower-decked balconies. On the floors 2 and 3 are apartments.
YVES Lr 14/02/2016 7:24
Superbe, cette verrière! J'espère qu'elle est protégée par la loi. Das war eine gute Idee sie zu photographieren und du hast es ganz richtig gemacht.Carlos García Jiménez 13/02/2016 23:39
Hey Berthold, you were fast enough to picture the facade, in your shoes I'd get the store and buy some vinil LP..all of the Beatles are there in vinil format, which to me is the very best, of course having a Sure or Audiotecnica cartridge..enjoy it..Hugs
Adele D. Oliver 13/02/2016 22:39
fine old architecture, and your close view shows all the details sharp and in fine light !!!warm regards,