no title.
hapiness hit her like a bullet in the head.
leave all your loving, your loving behind,
you can't carry it with you if you want to survive.
no title.
hapiness hit her like a bullet in the head.
leave all your loving, your loving behind,
you can't carry it with you if you want to survive.
Photodesign - CK 12/12/2010 10:49
Schöne Stimmung,Gruß Chris
paulushaus 03/11/2010 15:23
herrlich!Tim Reiche 06/10/2010 21:46
gefällt mir ...irgendwie ne schöne spannungguitoune 02/10/2010 2:28
hat was, sehr gut!Jürgen Bürgin 30/09/2010 0:00
Mag ich!vesagone 29/09/2010 20:27
CD Cover? Auf jedenfall speziell! Mir gefällts!!!gruss vesagone