Novgorod - one of oldest cities in Russia (IX-X century)
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Novgorod - one of oldest cities in Russia (IX-X century)
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Irina No 07/09/2005 17:54
to Alex-> no, just English and xxx 06/09/2005 20:30
Ili Tie,na Anglijskuju Stranizu saschla ?xxx xxx 06/09/2005 20:28
A po nemezki,ne moschesch,tschto li ?Jacky Kobelt 20/08/2005 16:41
A beautiful cityscape - I would like to see more of the aerea where you are living.Greetings from switzerland
Anastasiya Ivanova 05/06/2005 16:53
>Novgorod nahoditsa mezhdu Moskvoi i Piterom>(primerno v 3 chasah ezdi na avto ot
>Pitera i, sootvetstvenno, primerno v 6 chasah ezdi ot >Moskvi). Gorod >krasiveishiy! )) Ochen` rekomenduyu))
Blagodarju za ob’jasnenie!! :)
So seems it is still bettre for me to set off from Moskow.
Anastasiya Ivanova 03/06/2005 13:36
I wish I can visit there when there is free time, just once is pretty worthwhile.I forget where its it possible to go there directly from Moskow? or I have to take a train to St Petersburg first?
Irina No 03/06/2005 12:35
Thank u All))---
to->Vassilis, yes, weather was not very good, cloudy and windy but no rain)) Thank u))
to->Tony, thank u))
to->Raul, i glad that u liked this pic) thanx
to->Bill, thank u very much))
to->Jutta)) Thank u! ))
JVision 02/06/2005 7:45
Beautiful !!! The composition is just great. I like it a lot.Greetings
Bill Lang 02/06/2005 3:38
Beautiful photo.Well done.Bill
Visiones de vida. 02/06/2005 1:55
Irina, the how you composed this with its natural envioronment!..Tony (Anthony) Rowell 01/06/2005 15:26
Lovely picture Irina,and a perfect foreground fot it,all the best.Tony.