1.372 7

Foto-Graf ICH

Free Account, Berlin, Prenzlauer Berg


soundtrack: elvis costello - god's comic

God's Comic

wish you'd known me when I was alive, I was a funny feller
The crowd would hoot and holler for more
I wore a drunk's red nose for applause
Oh yes I was a comical priest
"With a joke for the flock and a hand up your fleece"
Drooling the drink and the lipstick and greasepaint
Down the cardboard front of my dirty dog-collar


Now I'm dead, now I'm dead, now I'm dead,
now I'm dead, now I'm dead
And I'm going on to meet my reward
I was scared, I was scared, I was scared, I was scared
He might of never heard God's Comic

So there he was on a water-bed
Drinking a cola of a mystery brand
Reading an airport novelette, listening to Andrew Lloyd-Webber's "Requiem"
He said, before it had really begun, "I prefer the one about my son"
"I've been wading through all this unbelievable
junk and wondering if I should have given
the world to the monkeys"


I'm going to take a little trip down Paradise's endless shores
They say that travel broadens the mind, 'til you can't get your head out of doors

I'm sitting here on the top of the world
I hang around in the longest night
Until each beast has gone bed and then I say
"God bless" and turn out the light
While you lie in the dark, afraid to breathe and you beg and you promise
And you bargain and you plead
Sometimes you confuse me with Santa Claus
It's the big white beard I suppose
I'm going up to the pole, where you folks die of cold
I might be gone for a while if you need me

Now I'm dead, now I'm dead, now I'm dead,
now I'm dead, now I'm dead and you're all
going on to meet your reward

Are you scared? Are you scared? Are you scared?
Are you scared?
You might have never heard, but God's comic

(Elvis Costello)

Commenti 7

  • R A S C H 12/12/2005 7:53

    Klaubt niemand des Armen mit Leid gesalzene Seele aus Gottes Dunkelkammer ... das Enthirnen scheint mir eher kulinarischer Natur.
  • Chris V... 10/12/2005 20:48

    seelenspiegel... ;-)
    lg chris
  • Der Biege 10/12/2005 10:09

    ... ups ... kannst du eine juten fachfrau empfeeellen ...
  • Der Biege 10/12/2005 9:34

    ... mein schädel fühlt sich auch schon so leeerrr an ...

  • A.Soul- Lichtbildnerin 10/12/2005 8:26

    lach...son bischen hirntot tut manchmal gut, das entspannt ungemein!
    lg geli
  • Foto-Graf ICH 09/12/2005 20:32

    @Frau N.: kommen sie schnell, bitte...dann enthirnen wir uns gegenseitig...so gründlich wie möglich! ich kann es kaum erwarten!
  • Foto-Graf ICH 09/12/2005 19:59

    jetzt, wo ich tot bin, kann ich euch's ja verraten. ich war durch und durch schlecht. mein krankes hirn hatte immer nur die billige anmache im sinn. erotik findet im kopf statt. ja. bei manchen auch anderes. bei mir nicht. ich wollte immer nur das eine. und wisst ihr was: ich schäme mich nicht mal dafür.