Adele D. Oliver

Community Manager, Lotusland, Canada

On the Road to Cairo (3)

taken through the window of the bus - unfortunately obvious in this image ..

we passed several areas with livestock, even witnessed a skinning of a goat - I managed a picture but deleted it again as it was too gruesome to look at .... wonder what the Dad says to his little boy ...

Commenti 34

  • Jim McKinniss 28/02/2015 18:08

    The challenge of making photos from a vehicle is difficult. This is a well composed photo and I enjoy it and your willingness to accept the challenge.

    Nice work Adele.

  • Glenn Capers 08/02/2015 17:41

    Okay as I see it. the man sacrificed the child for a better profit from his beef and milk content from his cows. The goats well they are just sacrificial fatter for anything needed. But the child already in the Christ pose is more.Ot many will give up a boy child. But It happens. :))))

    I love your shot. I think you got a little animal poop on your filter That greenish brown yellow seems to occupy a portion. Please check it out.

    Your pal

  • Ernst Seifert 08/02/2015 13:23

    Da ist Leben auf dem Bauernhof. Hier gibt es viel zu sehen. Das Hauptaugenmerk fällt auf die zahlreichen Tiere. Daneben ist ein wenig Unordnung, gepaart mit Graffiti und bäuerlichem Bedarf zu sehen. Der Blickpunkt ist wohl der Vater, der sein Kind in Sicherheit bringt.
    VG Ernst
  • Arnold. Meyer 07/02/2015 19:30

    Der ganze Besitz auf leinstem Raum. Es ibt viel zu entdecken.
    lg Arnold
  • Alfredo Spagnoli 05/02/2015 19:31

    Molto molto bella Adele, complimenti.
    Ciao, Alfredo
  • Inez Correia Marques 05/02/2015 13:37

    Real life , amazingly beautiful dear Adele
    This boy is groying with some values which we probably know nothing about~~
  • alexander stefanatos 05/02/2015 12:49

    Great scene,really panoramic,Adele with so many details to linger on!..Typical of Egyptian countryside.Usually children fiddle among their parents during their daily occupations as,quite probably,they will join them growing up.Education seems a remote and expensive goal!
    regards alexander
  • MICHAEL stüben 04/02/2015 21:31

    ....und gleich nebenan...

    gibts die leckeren Apfelsinen,
    mit den sonnenverwöhnten Aroma.

    Ein Schelm der schlechtes denkt.

    Have a nice day.

  • Frederick Mann 04/02/2015 17:45

    I find the picture fascinating..
    as if in another world
  • Claudio Micheli 04/02/2015 13:12

    Bellissima documentazione.
  • SINA 04/02/2015 12:46

    eine grossartige Reise Bild Dokumentation
  • Certeau Dominique 04/02/2015 7:20

    Bonne scène de vie.
  • archiek 04/02/2015 5:19

    My guess is that the man is getting the boy away from the cows. The boys feet are following the movement of the rest of his body. A good street scene that has a puzzle of a story.
  • Angelika El. 04/02/2015 1:01

    Was für eine Menagerie... - die Schafe und Ziegen bekommen ja ordentlich Grünfutter, das sie sicher gut vertragen können! Ich frag mich nur, wer sich denn hier gerne auf der Bank niederlassen möchte.... Auch durch das Fenster ist Dir eine sehr beeindruckende Aufnahme gelungen.

    LG! a.

  • Dragomir Vukovic 04/02/2015 0:12

    great 1 !


Cartelle Egypt, Nile, Petra
Visto da 1.422


Fotocamera Canon PowerShot S3 IS
Obiettivo Unknown 6-72mm
Diaframma 3.5
Tempo di esposizione 1/100
Distanza focale 10.8 mm
ISO 200

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