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PARASOL (enlarged)

PARASOL (enlarged)

1.877 3

PARASOL (enlarged)

Enlarged version of parasol.
(Several fotocommunity comments suggest I should make the image larger. Thanks!)

Commenti 3

  • Catherine Hart 12/04/2006 18:57

    Dear Eddie, I wanted to send you a private message to say Thank you for your help... but I can't work out how to do it! Hope you get this message. Catherine.
  • Eddie Contrelle 18/01/2005 12:03

    ok, it's better, than the first one, but you still didn't take advantage of the maximum size that you could upload.
    why that ?

    File optimzing on your own

    For optimising your photos on your own you’ll need a photo-editing-software like Photoshop or Paint Shop.

    You can avoid the fotocommunitys automated optimising by converting the file on your own. You need to create the following format:

    * JPG-Format
    * Filesize maximum 130KB
    * Width maximum 900 Pixel
    * Height maximum 700 Pixel

    You only suppress the automatic optimising if you don’t exceed one of the values above and have your file in a JPG-Format (JPEG). Please notice: There are special values for panorama shots!
  • Donna Vitkauskas 17/01/2005 16:48
