[patience requested]
Weather conditions were changing every few minutes due to some thunderstorms in the area.
No chance to get a flight today..:-((
[patience requested]
Weather conditions were changing every few minutes due to some thunderstorms in the area.
No chance to get a flight today..:-((
Uwe Thon 19/06/2007 10:57
feines sw!Ray B. 18/06/2007 21:02
Drohende Stimmung hast du da gezaubert!vg ray
Martin Tschamler 18/06/2007 15:26
Hallo Matthias,s/w ist meiner Meinung bei diesem Himmel genau die richtige Wahl. Super Helligkeitskontrast.
lg, Martin
Klaus Kieslich 18/06/2007 14:39
Klasse Aufnahme und s/w macht sich prima !Gruß Klaus
Véronique Soulier 18/06/2007 8:53
Waiting is part of the time of flying with little planes as well as sailing.. but it gave to you time for nice pic of the sky.. Be careful ! bye VSaw masry 18/06/2007 1:03
:-(( for the bad climate to flying.But it is an adorable picture.
Maria João Arcanjo 18/06/2007 1:01
I understand your impatience!!! What a beauty.....Beijinhos