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People on the Salt

People on the Salt

1.684 5

Harrison Clark

Free Account, Granite Bay (Sacramento)

People on the Salt

This looks like an image from the 30's, maybe because of all the hats. It was taken in April 2010 in Death Valley, CA. The people are walking out on the dry salt lake. The sun was very bright thus maybe causing everyone to grab a hat.

Commenti 5

  • Ken Piros 22/06/2010 3:25

    You can't beat a good hat fedora! Are these the salt flats where they use to set the land speed records?
  • Harrison Clark 27/05/2010 2:15

    Thanks for the appreciative comments!
  • janik pac 24/05/2010 20:39

    nice place:) super shoot
  • s. sabine krause 21/05/2010 10:02

    love it!! it looks a little like the "migration of the peoples" to me ; )), and you are right: there's definitely certain nostalgic and slightly surreal feel to it! if i hadn't red your text, i'd probably would have thought that this was shot somewhere in the mountains and the people were walking across a snowy field… love the shadows they are throwing, and how they all look like tiny pegs in the very back of the shot! great "ornamental" shadows on the boardwark in the foreground, too! kind regards, sabine.
  • David H Thomas 21/05/2010 7:47

    great image



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