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petworth house

Petworth House, West Sussex

Petworth House fasziniert mich immer wieder wegen seiner prachtvollen Repräsentationsräume
seiner sehr guten Gemälde- und Skulpturensammlung,
aber besonders wegen der Küchen- und Dienstpersonalräume.
Die bieten einen interessanten Blick in das Leben von Arm und Reich damals.

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Garden and deer park were landscaped by 'Capability' Brown and immortalised in Turner's paintings.
The house contains the National Trust's finest collection of pictures,
with numerous works by Turner, Van Dyck, Reynolds and Blake,
ancient and Neo-classical sculpture, fine furniture and carvings by Grinling Gibbons.
The servants' quarters contain fascinating kitchens (including a copper batterie de cuisine of more than 1,000 pieces)
and other service rooms.

Petworth is a National Trust property.

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