Plantà 08
March, 15. 6:00 a.m. After a long night of work, the Falla Arrancapins' 08 was placed and finished in the usual street cross of Valencia.
You can look in the faces the satisfaction due to their well-made work.
ps: except the guy on the ground. He was so tired that he couldn't look at the camera :-))
raul lovera 22/04/2008 1:28
Great shot, wonderfully composed, y tambien tiene un sentido de ser una foto de los dias antiguos, muolto bellisimo tante gratzie.KasiaDesign 02/04/2008 21:51
The falles in Valencia are famous.You can clearly see the mixture of exhaustion, exhilartion and relief among the team. I hope the celebrations went well after;-)
Anna Codonyer 30/03/2008 0:40
I jo a casa... Ja fa quatre anys que no estic a la foto!!! Espere no perdre'm la del 2009.PINDORIUS 28/03/2008 20:08
els currantes,bon rollete
Raquel (ex Raissa) 28/03/2008 9:09
Bona Penya!!!Salutacions!!!!