Plitvice Jesera Foto % Immagini| landscape, rivers, streams & lakes, waterfalls Foto su fotocommunity
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Flighty Furrow 05/10/2009 13:10
Wish I could take a plunge how wonderfully refreshing that would be!hrishikesh thakur 24/08/2009 17:18
+++Perry Blevins 04/06/2009 20:16
Beautiful shot. Nice use of shutter speed on the waterfalls.Regards, Perry
j.a.j.jansen m. 03/06/2009 18:32
A nice view and colours, I like it.Jan.
leonard p. 03/06/2009 15:43
Excellent!malawi1 03/06/2009 15:36
Agnieszka Wachocka 03/06/2009 14:32
Really nice picNice compo an colours but I would like to cut a bit from down
Julia Remezova 03/06/2009 14:27
thank you all very much!!Alexander A. Belyayev 03/06/2009 14:18
Beautiful!nintsch 03/06/2009 14:06
wow.. it's so beautiful..I've been there too, to make photos, but none of mine is as good as yours.. it looks ......fantastic (: