prepare your mind for the part you must play in this great war.
we have lost our cause
we have drained this fear
rome - beasts of pray
prepare your mind for the part you must play in this great war.
we have lost our cause
we have drained this fear
rome - beasts of pray
Georg Mierau 13/08/2010 11:09
Gut. Ohne den Sitzenden wäre es glaub' ich noch besser.Steffen Drache 09/07/2008 21:04
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Seven Seconds 09/07/2008 20:21
!!!Sandra Ludewig 09/07/2008 20:09
vom stuhl gefallen...plong!Pxel Kind 09/07/2008 20:08
*schluck*das iss hart. perspektive, sw, der ort, der rücken....