Purple house Foto % Immagini| landscape, fields & meadows, nature Foto su fotocommunity
Purple house Foto & Immagine di Maria Porter ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Ralph Bache 09/09/2007 22:54
Hobbingen, i like this building. Interesting color and a dreamly mood, with best regards, Ralph.JVision 07/09/2007 15:42
Oh I love this romantic picture. Very well done !!Greetings
Comy 07/09/2007 9:44
composition, colours...lovely pictureVesela Maleeva 06/09/2007 18:32
Beautiful, romantic composition,and what a lovely place this is!
Greetings, Ves
Tom McAlexander 06/09/2007 9:46
Good golly, what next. We have a pink(ish) one in our neighborhood.Aloha
Pawel Majewski 06/09/2007 9:04
Agree with Bryan. Is this hous for hobbit? :))And there away together he and she hobbits (of course).
Dianna 06/09/2007 4:03
I love the composition with the folks going up the trail. :-)Nice framing also! :-))0
Alfred Spectrum 06/09/2007 2:58
Romantic scene with the couple (?) and the softness at the edges. Good composition.Alfred.
BRYAN CRUTE 05/09/2007 22:06
Strange looking house, almost like that of a Hobbit :-)Well composed picture.
Wendy de With 05/09/2007 20:57
Nice capture. Well composed, I like the pov.Well done. :-)
Regards, Wendy
Kedi 05/09/2007 19:16
Lovely!! Great composition... House looks like a dream home popped up from a fairy tale. Surroundings are so beautiful...Best wishes
Cees Kuijs 05/09/2007 18:54
Very well composed, Maria !! Good use of the road which leads us into the picture.Greetings, Cees
Lawson McCulloch 05/09/2007 15:06
A lovely shot with the path taking the eye to the figures in the distance.best wishes from Lawson.
CsomorLászló 05/09/2007 13:35
Well edited, nice colors!