's summertime
Glasgow street scene, 05/08/06
Taken with my little Olympus AZ-1's summertime
Glasgow street scene, 05/08/06
Taken with my little Olympus AZ-1
Patrick B. Parenteau 13/08/2006 5:04
Ah man, when you've got to lay down, you've got to lay down. Is he a street person or just someone who didn't make it home from the night before. Cheers from Canada. PatrickJen Nahe 09/08/2006 23:25
Just chill out man ^^@ wayne: than make your own summer make some sand in the bathtub turn on a warm light and hang it up.. decorate everything with something green like a flowerpot lol it should work^^ against winter depressions anyways!
Wayne Tsipouras 07/08/2006 14:06
Seems like a good plan to me....execpt for me its wintertime :-(
Great image though, well done.