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Remember me, I dreamed once too.

Remember me, I dreamed once too.

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Remember me, I dreamed once too.

Graveyard to German Servicemen 1914-18 & 1939-45
Wicklow Mountains, Ireland.

Commenti 8

  • Steffen. D. 11/01/2010 10:45

    UNVERGESSEN !!!!!!!!! ++++
  • Kay Wegbrod 23/01/2006 22:53

    Is that the German soldiers cemetery of Glengree in the Wicklow Mountains?
  • Bannerman 22/12/2005 18:54

    Great shot. Always remember history is always written by the victors NOT by the losers !---that is why I don't believe everything I read.
  • Ronan Mac Liam 02/12/2005 14:46

    Noreen, thanks for your reponse, I'm delighted that my picture is getting some comments! To me this picture is about how far this man is from home, that he died ( like everyone in war ) before his time and worse; he is an unknown soldier, that could be someone's father or grand father.The uniform he wore is not important.
  • Noreen McAlba 01/12/2005 17:22

    Oooh, ok. Didn't know that. I assumed that there're german soldiers burried there which died in battle or something during WW 1+2 because of the stone's inscription (which means "one german soldier") and the dates you've given.

    And please don't get me wrong, but at that time german soldiers (if not mere people) outside of Germany were considered enemies. At least that's how I understand it.

    Anyway, thanks for your info/correction. noreen
  • Uwe Immig 30/11/2005 19:47

    I like it very much and thank you so much for your answer to the first comment above.

  • Ronan Mac Liam 30/11/2005 16:49

    Thanks for your comments Noreen, but when I took this picture the word "enemy" never crosssed my mind. Ireland was never at war with Germany and most of the men buried here were lost at sea or killed when their aircraft drifted off course, none from combat.
  • Noreen McAlba 30/11/2005 15:20

    a nice and seldom gesture, to honor the dead enemy.

    I like the pic, too. 'specially the try leaves and needles.
