Resting Spot Foto % Immagini| kids, people Foto su fotocommunity
Resting Spot Foto & Immagine di SillyCecile ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Thanks, Jan. I wish her face was viewable too. However, she is so hard to photograph. She either makes a weird face or hides. hehe I'm really pleased to have one of her in a state of rest.
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SillyCecile 11/09/2010 2:46
Thanks, Jan. I wish her face was viewable too. However, she is so hard to photograph. She either makes a weird face or hides. hehe I'm really pleased to have one of her in a state of rest.j.a.j.jansen m. 10/09/2010 9:24
A pity we cannot see her face, for the rest it is a very lovely image.Regards, Jan.