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Retired Ship Foto & Immagine di Erica Heagerty ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
I agree with Dirk. it almost looks as if you were taking a picture of the beach and caught the wreck by chance. make the wreck the main image and fit in mood and scene around it. maybe wait for the 'tourists' to move out of view before taking the shot.( but I think you know that by now)
the wrece as main motive is a little to centered for me ... i'd probably try to leave out some of the foreground and would shoot it with a strong and cloydy sky ...
wonderful capture, i would of waited for the people to leave and would of went closer for a more detailed image of the texture of this wreck
welcome to FC
jaime :)
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Tom McDade 11/10/2006 11:02
I agree with Dirk. it almost looks as if you were taking a picture of the beach and caught the wreck by chance. make the wreck the main image and fit in mood and scene around it. maybe wait for the 'tourists' to move out of view before taking the shot.( but I think you know that by now)Dirk Hofmann 22/08/2006 13:09
the wrece as main motive is a little to centered for me ... i'd probably try to leave out some of the foreground and would shoot it with a strong and cloydy sky ...but this is just a matter of personal taste ...
Jaime Crystal Attenborough 22/08/2006 9:26
wonderful capture, i would of waited for the people to leave and would of went closer for a more detailed image of the texture of this wreckwelcome to FC
jaime :)