Rot zu Rot
Der Himmel war rabenschwarz über dem Rhein.
Ich hatte Fotos auf der anderen Seite des Hauses gemacht und es nicht bemerkt.
Dann sah ich den grandiosesten Regenbogen, den ich je zuvor erblickte und konnte gerade noch dieses Foto machen -
dann war der Akku leer.
Ulrike Wienecke 12/08/2011 20:48
Feines Licht-und Farbspiel!!!Ich glaube, es wäre noch schöner anzusehen, wenn es nicht rauschen würde. Kennst du das kostenlose Entrauschungsprogramm "Neat Image"? Leistet gute Dienste. Hier einmal kurz entrauscht
LG Ulli
Kathrin Reinemann 21/08/2009 13:25
Das ist eine wunderschöne Naturaufnahme,sie gefällt mir sehr.
LG Kathrin
Adnan Durmaz 19/02/2009 3:21
1- Listen to the reed how it tells a tale, complaining of separations2- Saying, “Ever since I was ported from the reed-bed my lament hath coused men and women to moan.
3- I want a bosom torn by severance, that I may unfold (to such a one) the pain of lovedesire.
4- Everyone who is left far from his source wishes back the time when he was United with it.
5- In every company I uttered my wailful notes, I consorted with the unhappy and with them that rejoice.
6- Everyone become my friend from his own opinions, none sought my secrets from within me.
7- My secret is not far from my plaint, but ear and eye lack the light (whereby it should be apprehended)
8- Body is not veiled from soul, nor soul from body, yet none is permitted to see the soul.
9- This noise of the reed is fire, it is not wind: whose hath not this fire, may he be naught!
10- "Tis the fire of love that is in the reed, "tis the fervour of love that is in the wine.
11- The reed is the comrade of everyone who has been parted from a friend: its strains pierced our hearts.
12- Who ever saw a pasion and antidote like the reed? Whoever saw a sympathiser and a longing lover like the reed?
13- The reed tells of the way full of blood and recounts stories of the passion of Mejnun.
14- Only to the senseless is this sense confided: the tongue hath no customer save the ear.
15- In our eoe the days (of life) have become untimely our days travel hand in hand with burning griefs.
16- If our days are gone, let them go! "Tis no matter. Do thou remain, for none is holy as thou art.
17- Who ever is not a fish becomes sated with His water; whoever is without daily bread finds the day long.
18- None that is raw understands the state of the ripe: therefore my words must be brief. Farewell" (s. 5-6)
Mevlana Celalettin Rûmî (ö. 1273
Yayınevi: Oneworld Ean: 9781851682515
Elke Schick-Rothenburger 16/12/2008 19:00
(Ich habe das Foto bearbeitet, und zwar so, dass die Farben dem Naturschauspiel entsprechen, das ich erlebt habe - und das war viel ausdrucksvoller, als es meine Kamera wiedergegeben hat!)Kitty te Laak , 16.10.2008 um 19:31 Uhr
Elke, grandios schon deshalb, weil der regenbogen aus dem haus zu kommen scheint..gut, daß es wenigstens noch zu diesem schnappschuss gereicht hat...gruss, kitty
Lutz Prager, 22.10.2008 um 16:31 Uhr
Tolles Foto, klasse Farbspiel und alles technisch sehr gut gelungen!
Lutz Prager