2.014 7

Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic

Free Account, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro

Commenti 7

  • Osama Esid 08/05/2005 15:23

    hello Radomir
    your work som how reminds me of my country Syria
    . love the feel of your work . like to see more
  • PINDORIUS 02/05/2005 19:44

    I agree with Snjezana, if she is speaking about the size. It's very difficult to see the faces.
  • Sarndra 02/05/2005 8:06

    :-) Thanks for that Radomir ... I daren't suggest anything! As the author is the best ruler for his pic! ;-)
  • Radomir-Masha Dikosavljevic 01/05/2005 18:03

    Sarndra, they are part of a serie, which I haven't made clear. My mistake. I have chosen Decay for that was the closest category I had found at the time, but since each photo is considered individually, any other category you sugest would be fine with me.

    Snjezana: Even with pics this small, I had to enable "double byte" feature to be able to upload. Dunno why... Maybe this should be a good question for the upkeepers of fc.com
  • Irina No 01/05/2005 14:31

    very good fotos! i like both much.
  • Snjezana Josipovic 01/05/2005 13:53

    steta sto slike nisu malo vece.osobno druga slika mi je puno draza, puno je cisca.baka u crnom ispred bijelog zida i decko u svijetloj majici ispred tamne pozadine su izvrsni.i da bilo bi bolje vidjeti sliku vecu zbog njihovih lica i price koju pricaju.svejedno jako dobre fotografije
  • Sarndra 01/05/2005 11:31

    Interesting you categorise this under Decay.

    Possibly is... time gone by...it used to be a contemporary life...now it's not? Hence decay?

    Or just...human decay of old age?