Samunyinam Mosque minarets in sunset light
A quiet and peaceful atmosphere every where we looked, no wind and the water surface absolute calm. It was a marvelous day and a fabulous ending of our tour on the Klong Saen Saep.
Samunyinam Mosque minarets in sunset light
A quiet and peaceful atmosphere every where we looked, no wind and the water surface absolute calm. It was a marvelous day and a fabulous ending of our tour on the Klong Saen Saep.
Helmut Eric Bender 16/11/2013 23:00
Herrlich! Jetzt wird es endlich mal Zeit, dass ich dieseMoschee auch mal vom Khlong aus fotografiere!
Sehr stimmungsvolles Foto!
LG Helmut
Terje Nicolaysen 16/11/2013 11:15
beautiful work