Sangkhlaburi in sunset light
Sangkhlaburi is an idyllic place and well worth visiting as it is off the tourist trail and thus great for the tourist who wants to see "real Thailand". The town was founded by Luang Phor Uttama in 1949 after he fled Burma with 60 other Mon Families. Wangka (also known as Monside) is located on the other side of the Bridge.
(Sangkhlaburi also is a weekend excursion destination for many Thai people coming from Bangkok. But sumetime I obsurved clashes between Thai and Mon people, a conflict foundet since Thai people annexed living areas of the Mons.)
Bernard Werder 10/11/2013 2:12
Ganz schöne Aufnahme. Gefällt mir sehr gutBeni
Frank Lange 09/11/2013 11:09
Gefällt mir!Gruß Frank