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Richard Schult

Premium (World), Lübeck

Schottische Impressionen ... (41)

Glen Coe
"Erika" oder "Scottish Heather (mainly Calluna vulgaris)"
vor der Kulisse des Glen Coe.
Heather wird auch poetisch "The Carpet of the Highlands" genannt.

http://www.northernsights.net/heather-fs.html(viele Aufnahmen von Heather und Informationen über diesen
wild mountain thyme.)
Übrigens: Die beste Reisezeit, um die Heather-Blüte in den Highlands zu erleben, ist Ende August/Anfang September. Differiert aber natürlich von Jahr zu Jahr etwas.

Biertrinker aufgepasst!:
Folgende Information macht doch neugierig:
Heather honey was used to flavor mead. And one of the heather's more popular uses has always been in making the fabled heather ale, recipes for which are closely guarded. Ancient Pictish kings held the true original secret for the best of heather ales. Traditionally only the king and his eldest son were given the secret of its recipe, to ensure that it would be kept confidential and would be passed through each ruling generation. Legend has it that after their final battle with the Scots, only two Picts survived, the king and his son. The king of the Scots demanded from them the secret for the ancient brew, threatening them with torture. The father, fearing his weaker son would reveal the secret, promised to tell, only after the Scots killed his son. Of course, once the son was killed, the Pictish king refused to make good on his promise and the secret of the true heather ale died with him when the Scots promptly killed him. The heather ale of today is said to be but a pale comparison to the original nectar, and prized it must have been for the king to have sacrificed his life - and that of his son - for it!

From the bonny bells of heather,
They brewed a drink longsyne,
Was sweeter far than honey,
Was stronger far than wine.


Vielen Dank für den Vorschlag, Paul Christiaens !

KoMi 7D, 11-18, 11 (=16 KB), 1/25, f. 18, ISO 100, Manfrotto, RAW/LR/CS2

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Richard Schult

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Richard Schult

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Schottische Impressionen ... (38)
Richard Schult

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