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S.DALI with its head on palm.Museum of the waxy figures.

S.DALI with its head on palm.Museum of the waxy figures.

4.253 2

Evgeny Ametist

Free Account, Moscow

S.DALI with its head on palm.Museum of the waxy figures.

3D Anaglyph

Commenti 2

  • Evgeny Ametist 23/08/2007 18:32

    Thank You Neil for visit of my album and review.
  • Neil Auty 23/08/2007 11:34

    Hi Evgeny

    I have just grabbed some 3D specs I found in an old computer game and came for a look see...
    This one really grabs the attention for many reasons, not least in that the image really works well. Simple background providing shadow and depth to work wwell with this technique.

    Neil A