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Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 15

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 15

1.140 18


Premium (Complete), Bardowick

Searchpicture's illustrated dictionary for Germans - part 15

In this lesson: "PUSH FOR MISSY MAGAZINE". Means in this special case: "Drücke für das Missy Magazin".

"Missy Magazine" is a "feminist magazine for young women".

On the website http://www.missy-magazine.de you can read: From time to time even men can be found in the magazine. And not just naked.

Advertising (= Werbung) on the toilet is getting more and more insistent (= aufdringlich, penetrant). Now they are advertising on the men's toilet even for women's magazines. And if you believe the sticker, instead of water there is now the magazine coming out of the flush (= Spülung). Sort of another "big business" (großes Geschäft) on the toilet :-)

By the way a tip for women: "Traummänner" (Dream boys), an exhibition in the house of photographie, Hamburg, from March 11th till May 22th, see http://www.deichtorhallen.de/690.html.

The correct translation for "to push for somebody" is "jemanden unterstützen" or "jemandem die Daumen drücken".

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