season greetings Foto % Immagini| greeting cards, christmas, human Foto su fotocommunity
season greetings Foto & Immagine di Kaith Kakavouli ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Sorry, that I found your greetings..., was not here for a long time. My life is changed. It was a great and wonderful time with wonderful friends of music from Josh Groban, but the time is never to end.... :-)
Wish you a wonderful time in the year 2012.
Best wishes and
greetings from Ruth
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Pascal Viyer 23/12/2012 15:32
Joyeux Noël dans la Paixp
Allegrina 24/01/2012 19:34
Sorry, that I found your greetings..., was not here for a long time. My life is changed. It was a great and wonderful time with wonderful friends of music from Josh Groban, but the time is never to end.... :-)Wish you a wonderful time in the year 2012.
Best wishes and
greetings from Ruth
sunshine1978 02/01/2012 17:04
Strate 30/12/2011 11:38
I also wish you a Happy New Year 2012.All the best.
Birgit Noack 28/12/2011 21:12
Thank you so much for your beautiful card and your wonderful words. I wish you a happy, healthy and peaceful new year,Birgit
Jojo. 28/12/2011 11:50
John Willems 27/12/2011 2:21
You are a very powerful GREEK! and this is a GREET image also!!Müller Anita 26/12/2011 19:01
Thank you. I wish you all so.Hugs Anita
Anoli 25/12/2011 22:44
Danke für die guten Wünsche, auch Dir noch einen wunderbaren 2. Feiertag! ;-)LG Ilona
Ein angenehmes, besinnliches Weihnachtsfest
AnoliCsomorLászló 25/12/2011 20:01
Kellemes karácsonyt és boldog uj évet !!!CsL
--Opal-- 25/12/2011 10:30
Vielen Dank, wünsche dir und deiner Familie noch schöne Weihnachten und ein paar erholsame Tage.lg Opal
MK aus 25474 24/12/2011 18:59
Hello, merry christmas & a happy new year , have a nice holy eveninghugs
André Reinders 24/12/2011 15:46
Thanks a lot and a merry christmas to you, too :-)Best wishes
Canonier58 24/12/2011 15:04
frohe weihnachten nach griechenlandlg willi
Stefan S. Mosley 24/12/2011 11:17
Thank you and a Happy Holiday Season to you and your loved ones too.Rgds