482 12

Iris Richter

Premium (Pro), Lippstadt

she says...

... adios, says adios,
and now you know why


Commenti 12

  • Anja Muskalla 11/09/2015 16:42

    K L A S S E ..! LG Anja
  • Manuela Kulage 16/10/2010 11:08

    Sieht sehr, sehr ansprechend aus. Tolle Arbeit!
    LG Manuela
  • Robert Bauer 10/10/2010 12:17

    @ Iris: When you speak to us English!? ... the answer is being given in English too. And to be honest: Sometimes it is more comfortable and better than AMTSDEUTSCH! *gg*
  • Iris Richter 09/10/2010 23:03

    Danke, Robert, das hast du toll geschrieben.
    Allerdings bin ich zweisprachig aufgewachsen... ich verstehe auch deutsch :-)
  • Robert Bauer 08/10/2010 20:45

    Of course, I know the story behind this picture. Nevertheless I can’t agree.

    What we see is normal life, its annual cycle starting in spring, peaking in summer, exploding in autumn and falling asleep for wintertime. Next year this procedure will continue again. Therefore the answer is no. Have a closer look at this flower. Its main purpose certainly is not predicting the end. It’s just the opposite.

    There is something else, which must be added:

    With a little smile I am thinking about your Mum and your Dad. Why? Because you were born in June, exactly when the sun shines from its highest point in the sky. It’s perhaps the most attractive period of the year. Therefore you were baptized IRIS, which is also known as a wonderful smelling blue flower living in the fields. IRIS task is blooming and symbolizing God’s wonderful creation.

    Nomen est omen, this is a Latin idiom. So have a little break and then go ahead, Iris. Live goes on. For you it hasn’t stopped yet.

    Lovely greetings
  • Frank Keller 05/10/2010 11:19

    Zu schön, um wahr zu sein, eine ganz exorbitante Beleuchtungssituation - einfach herrlich, strahlt unheimlich viel Ruhe aus - super! LG von Frank
  • Peter Ackermann 04/10/2010 23:10

    Prima, diese Stimmung, Iris! Gefällt mir sehr!
    Viele Grüße!
  • Esther Margraff 02/10/2010 11:21

    wunderschön gemacht!
  • Ilona M. 01/10/2010 23:17

    wunderschön ist das!
  • Agfa Scala 01/10/2010 21:46

    sehr fein ...
  • S i l v i a ~ W 01/10/2010 19:51

    auffallend schöne arbeit, gefällt mir in allen bereichen sehr gut!
    liebe grüsse..silvia
  • izoll 01/10/2010 19:40

    farblich sehr schön, gefällt mir,
    lg izoll