Shipwreck Coast
Cape Penninsula
South Africa
Seabirds circling over the wreck of the "Thomas T. Tucker" - a so called "Liberty Ship", a troop and weapon carrier running aground this rocky shoreline in thick fog in 1942 while on her maiden voyage from New Orleans to Suez.
Steve Ember 02/12/2017 21:43
Stunning image, Jost! I love the "arc" formed by the seagulls over the rusting hulk of the ship - also your chosen crop. And, while the sea looks calm enough at the moment, the image is eloquent testament to the hazards of navigating this stretch of coastline. Hut ab!-Steve
Alberto Leonardis 03/07/2017 18:22
Sharp b&w. Great picture! Simply top. AlbertoChristos Banos 02/07/2017 9:28
Outstanding photo!I like it
rgrds, Christos
felipe Martínez Pérez 30/06/2017 3:40
Excelente encuadre,Emilio Sirletti 09/06/2017 11:58
C'è un ricco banchetto per gli uccelli.Mi piace.
Ciao, Emilio
Dragomir Vukovic 04/06/2017 7:41
great 1 !!!† aixoise 03/06/2017 12:03
jolie marine en N&B ou la luminosité renforce cet envol d oiseaux..bon cadrage..! amts mariezEpPoT 31/05/2017 11:03
sauberes format und treffliche bildaufteilung! jede(r) gefiederter protagonist*in ist auf seinem/ihren platz !!!vlg z.
F.JEROME 29/05/2017 16:31
C'est excellent , j'apprécie la composition et le NB *** Amts, FrançoisChristian Dolle 29/05/2017 13:36
Tolles Foto. Finde ich echt gut gemacht.Mauro Tomassetti 24/04/2017 21:55
Wonderful b&w!Regards Mauro
dolphin-e 24/04/2017 12:04
... Like the remains of a living creature, and the sea birds circling around him like vultures ...Interesting story. And well presented.
Friendly regards,
alexander stefanatos 24/04/2017 11:51
Marvellous shot,Jost. I know this part quite well, the sudden environmental and weather changes....I even recognize the stones shores are usually covered with.friendly alex
Frederick Mann 24/04/2017 8:06
wreck rotting... is sadFlugWerk 23/04/2017 19:30
Das Bild strahlt richtig und bringt trotz fehlender Farbe ein starkes Leuchten, eine gute Bildeinteilung dazu. LG Tina