should we pray...? Foto % Immagini| abstract, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
should we pray...? Foto & Immagine di Anca Stephanie ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
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Julius Doroskevicius 16/09/2006 12:25
Midori? It reminds me one of Haruki Murakami's novel, but probably it's just coincidence?Pascal Viyer 09/09/2006 11:30
Anca Stephanie 09/09/2006 10:31
thank you very much...can i ask you guys what is wrong and what is right from your opinion at this picture? :)just to make an idea...
Wayne Tsipouras 09/09/2006 5:22
Thought provoking image, well done.To answer; Yes, often.
Jeff Burgess 09/09/2006 2:35
I don't understand the title, but I like the work. Regards. Jeff.Martin Allaire 08/09/2006 19:36
Very good image, good ambiance.Welcome to Fotocommunity.
Dirk Hofmann 08/09/2006 18:48
nice set up ... i like it ... :-)well ... if prayers help, i'm willing to join in ...