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Daylight was near to give place to night, but last sun light was still lghting this little and lonely poppy !

Commenti 5

  • Maren Arndt 10/05/2002 16:41

    @ Steffen - thank you for your opinion.
    On my monitor I see as well a very good picture in the last daylight, just as Aguinaldo writes and just as he wants the picture to be. And I like it very much.
    Best regards
  • Jürg Bigler 10/05/2002 13:38

    @Steffen: to tell the truth has nothing to do with politness. I didn't judge the photographer just the picture.
  • Jürg Bigler 10/05/2002 11:25

    I agree with Willy. It's for no use, to speak from a "very beautyfull foto", if there is hardly anything to see. Sorry!
    Greetings Jürg
  • Willy Brüchle 10/05/2002 11:02

    Sorry, on my monitor the picture is at least 2 stops too dark, Greetings, w.b.
  • Maren Arndt 10/05/2002 10:31

    Hallo and nice to have you back again and nice to see this very, very beautyfull foto.
    best regards from bremen - where the sun is shining -
    Your fotos are from the finest ART