Solitude Foto % Immagini| landscape, mountains, nature Foto su fotocommunity
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Robert L. Roux 02/08/2005 4:38
You've got some great white north kicking around your neck of the woods too ...(Great picture!)
Yukongreetings - R
PINDORIUS 15/02/2005 20:06
beautiful place and great moment† Carina Meyer-Broicher 15/02/2005 8:23
very good piece of workregards, Carina
Elaine Liebenbaum 07/02/2005 22:17
love this so...elaine
Aiden Mahoney 07/02/2005 12:36
Thank you for your comments.JVision 07/02/2005 12:16
wow, this is so beautiful !!like it a lot.
Chip Johansen 07/02/2005 4:24
I agree, beautiful photo. Nice job!