1.497 8

Spanish Coast

Iggy Pop: Spanish Coast

Die, die, die on a Spanish coast
Die like a clown with no friend around
This used to be a Spanish town

Die, die, die on a Spanish coast
Die like a fly with no lover to sigh
On a high white box in a pile of rocks
You'll go crazy by the hazy sea

Die, die, die on a Spanish coast
Die like a love when you killed a dove
If you don't believe
Then your angels leave and you lose it
You can't use it, life

(from the album: Preliminaires)

Commenti 8


Cartelle DARK SIDE
Visto da 1.497


Fotocamera LEICA X1
Obiettivo 24.0 mm f/2.8
Diaframma 5.6
Tempo di esposizione 1/1000
Distanza focale 24.0 mm
ISO 100