2.370 4

Glenn Capers

Premium (World), New York City

Special "O"

Special O takes his father's hand at the beach. It's where the wild things go. Should they disconnect he could get lost and never found. He carefully avoids the black squares.

My heart goes out to him. Cure autism now.

Commenti 4

  • s. sabine krause 11/08/2012 14:04

    there's a little bit of autism in all of us i guess – used to avoid black squares and cracks a lot, too, when i was a child. i guess it's the degree of sensory overload and overwhelmingness which separates the seemingly sick from the seemingly normal… you shot him taking his father's hand, being able and willing to stand the proximity, warmth, kindness radiating from it. he's not out of touch, out of reach – a good sign! and a moving picture! the sidewalk is quite a challenge, though, isn't it? intricate and irregular design… greetings, sabine. p.s.: beautiful text to go with the shot, glenn! it just "flows"…
  • Ken Piros 11/08/2012 13:48

    Maybe I am just more aware of it now but Autism seems to be on the rise. I agree we need to look hard for a cure.
  • Adele D. Oliver 11/08/2012 1:45

    a documentary shot of a special kind .... seen and presented with your heart .... beautiful work !!!
    greetings, Adele
  • BeckySchaefer 11/08/2012 0:08

    I`m impressed by your ability to watch and really see people! Your pictures always seem to show a part of their personalities.