Still life Foto % Immagini| still life, subjects Foto su fotocommunity
Still life Foto & Immagine di Nagy Viktor ᐅ Vedi e commenta gratuitamente la foto su fotocommunity. Scopri gratuitamente altre immagini.
Hi Nagy,This a wonderfully composed and captured image that is full of atmosphere and mood.It has been wonderfully thought out and captured in black and white which only enhances the picture even more.
It's beautifully taken and presented.
Best wishes.
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Nagy Viktor 19/08/2009 11:05
anthony ryanThank you very-very much!
Best regards.
anthony ryan 17/08/2009 22:48
Hi Nagy,This a wonderfully composed and captured image that is full of atmosphere and mood.It has been wonderfully thought out and captured in black and white which only enhances the picture even more.It's beautifully taken and presented.
Best wishes.
Nagy Viktor 16/08/2009 5:14
hrishikesh thakur.This is my personal stil life, in my home.
Thank you very much.
hrishikesh thakur 16/08/2009 5:04
i remember my old days ! good one boss !Nagy Viktor 24/07/2009 10:35
Thank you very much, Michael.Michael Grotkamp 22/07/2009 14:08